Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Legion Tryouts

Legion tryouts begin on Friday evening at 5pm and continue on Saturday at 10am. Both days will be held at Athey Park.

Posted with LifeCast

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thanks for a Great Spring

While our season ended in a disappointing fashion Monday, I will remember a lot of great things about this year.  We were streaky, lost a few more than we won, made a lot of defensive mistakes, and hopefully learned a lot from them, but I smiled more on the ball field than I have in a long time. While there was quite a bit of enjoyment to balance the struggles, these guys battled everyday, played tough and competitively and had a chance to win each game.  More than anything, I saw a shift in attitude from an unsure will to win, to a grown up play to win everyday attitude.  That is a big step for our program which has struggled to establish consistency over the last few years.  Again, while we didn't win enough - I don't know if you ever do - this team marks a change in culture in the program, a culture which will carry on. 

Thanks Boys!

Please come out and join us in honoring the team and the senior class at the awards banquet on May 28th.

And, I hope to see you at some Gators games this summer.


Paul Koch

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cedar Run Tournament

Sent from the iPhone of
Paul R. Koch

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: pkoch9999@hotmail.com
From: LEONARD PUMPHREY <lpumphrey54@msn.com>
Date: May 14, 2009 5:35:55 PM EDT
Resent-To: pkoch9999@gmail.com

Higher seed hosts. 

Osbourn Park (1)


Culpeper (8)


Battlefield (4)


Stonewall (5)


Loudoun Valley (3)




Osbourn (2)



Thursday, May 7, 2009

Scheduling Update

Today's game with Stonewall is postponed due to field conditions.

The games with Oakton on Saturday are canceled as Oakton has a district games to make up prior to the opening of their tournament on Monday.   Those games will not be made up.

Current Schedule for the rest of the way

5/8     Home   OP                       
5/12   Away    Loudon Valley
5/13   Home   Liberty (DH)


5/8    Away     OP
5/12  Home    Loudon Valley
5/13  Away     Liberty

****Varsity game with Stonewall makeup date will be announced shortly.

Any help on field prep tomorrow would be appreciated.  Please email Paul Koch if you are available to help.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

FW: No JV Softball Game & Baseball Game at Stonewall on 05-07-09



From: Creasy, Allen
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 9:27 PM


JV Baseball & JV Softball at Stonewall on Thursday 05-07-09 have been cancelled.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FW: Tuesday's Athletic Events



From: Creasy, Allen
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 1:36 PM
Subject: Tuesday's Athletic Events


Girls & Boys Tennis with Osbourn Park is as Scheduled. JV Boys Soccer is still on at Liberty 5:30 - Varsity Girls Lacrosse is on vs. Osbourn @ Liberty HS 7:00PM --- The Following Games have been postponed Today: JV Baseball - moved to Wednesday same times - Varsity Baseball @ Liberty moved to Wednesday same Time - Varsity Girls Soccer & Varsity Boys Soccer has been moved to Thursday same times.