Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We Can Help - send in your old baseball gear

I received an email detailing the holiday needs of the soldiers protecting our freedoms abroad.  The email outlined a list of items that the soldiers requested to receive in care packages this holiday season - one item on the list stood out from the others;  the soldiers asked for used baseball equipment.  I have a bag of balls, quite a few bats and gloves that have been in the lost and found for years, and a few helmets to donate, but I thought that a collective effort could produce impressive results.  Please call or email me over the Thanksgiving break if you are interested in participating and I will set up a collection place and time this coming Saturday 11/24.  The collection will conclude over the weekend and be shipped on Monday 11/26.  Sorry for the short notice, but hopefully you can help.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sign Up Now for Winter Baseball Camp

Blue Ridge Baseball will host camp again this Winter.  Anyone who is interested in participating in camp should sign up by visiting www.blueridgebaseball.net.  Camps will be every Saturday and will last for the 12 weeks leading up to Spring tryouts.  Camp opens December 1st and space is limited, so sign up now.

Small group hitting lessons will also be available at the Warrenton location, see Coach Koch for more information.